The Art of Public Speaking - Half-Day Workshop

strengthen your message and captivate your audience with confidence and charisma!

The best way to get better at public speaking is to do it. There are no shortcuts!

That’s why all of our workshops and courses feature lots of practice speaking and presenting in front of the group.

The Half-Day Workshop

The Art of Public Speaking” Workshop is a half-day session (4 hours) is designed to help you enhance your public speaking skills. This is your opportunity to gain valuable insights about getting more comfortable speaking in front of a crowd.

Our Founder & CEO Lauren Ansley, a professional public speaker, emcee and humorist, will lead the workshop, sharing practical tips and advance, breaking down the Art of Public Speaking into four (4) key components:

  1. PICK - Discover how to select a primary focal point that aligns your topic with your audience’s interests

  2. PREPARE - Learn how to craft and communicate your message with the power of storytelling

  3. PRACTICE - Gain effective techniques to help you refine and rehearse your presentations

  4. PERFORM - Explore ways to manage nerves, connect with your audience, and skillfully utilize a “set list”

Please note: Our workshops and courses are scheduled and delivered as group trainings. We welcome customization requests to best suit the needs of your organization and participants. We offer online public speaking and presentation skills for virtual audiences, too.

Book a call or reach out to check availability, learn more and schedule your group training today!