
Have You Heard About the Power of the Pause?

Here’s how to utilize the power of the pause in your next presentation.

Hi - I’m Lauren Ansley. I’m a corporate entertainer and trainer with a background in stand-up comedy. And I help people get more confident and comfortable presenting in front of groups.

Have you heard of the Power of the Pause?

Pausing in your presentation is a total power move. It’s an incredibly effective way to refocus and reengage your audience.

Allow me to demonstrate…

People often get nervous when they present.

When this happens, you may notice that they start to pick up speed and they become a little harder to follow, when you’re talking too fast then all of a sudden your audience is having a hard time understanding what you’re saying because you’re talking too fast.

When you embrace the power of the pause, the space between words can make your presentation more dynamic… more interesting… causes people to refocus towards what you’re saying.

Pauses… convey… confidence.

Pausing can also be used instead of awkward segues when you’re transitioning to a new topic.

They can also be a powerful technique to remind you to SLOW DOWN.

Try it yourself.

Remember to embrace the power of the pause.

I hope you found this video helpful. Thanks so much for watching!


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