
Here are 3 Things NOT to Say When Presenting in Front of Groups

Here are 3 things NOT to say when you’re presenting in front of groups.

Hi I’m Lauren Ansley. I’m a corporate entertainer and trainer with a background in stand-up comedy. I help people with public speaking skills training to get more comfortable and confident presenting in front of groups.

Thing #1 NOT to say when presenting to a group: “Uh, you probably can’t read this slide but…”

NO. Take it out! I don’t want to see it. If I can’t read it as an audience member, you shouldn’t have it up on your slide. Get a better visual, zoom in, take it out, replace it.

Thing #2 NOT to say when presenting in front groups: “Oop, for the sake of time I’m just going to go ahead and skip ahead…” And then you skip through 10 slides. What information am I missing? What did you want to tell me that there’s no time for now? Manage your time better. Stop overpacking your slides with too much information. Less is more in presentations.

Thing #3 NOT to say when presenting to a group: “I’m nervous!” No! Don’t say it! Guess what. Everyone’s nervous. Everyone gets nervous. And you just made your audience uncomfortable, too. Embrace the nerves. Take a breath. Take a moment. Realize that being nervous means you care, and that’s a good thing. Channel that into being better, having a concise, clear message that resonates with your audience. Be confident or at least fake it til you make it. Don’t ever admit you’re nervous. It’s not necessary.

I hope you found these tips helpful. Thanks for watching!


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